Palermo Street Food


A recent ranking, compiled by the American network Virtual Tourist, placed Palermo in 5th place among the best producers of “street food” in the world.

Today the street food tour is a must along with the tour of the ancient Palermo markets: Vucciria, Ballarò, Capo and Borgo Vecchio, now the focus of Palermo’s movida or nightlife scene.

It is a quick and easy way (generally a morning tour or a tour by night) to pass through a couple of millennia of history, art, aromas, flavours and different civilizations.

In Palermo’s side street, you can find  all kind of goods: among stalls filled with colorful merchandise, the Palermitans often use to eat on the street cooked food to spit with their hands.

Pane panelle e crocchè (cazzilli) fritters, arancine (rice croquettes), carduna, cacuocciuli e vruocculi (thistles, artichokes and broccoli fried in butter), milinciani fritte (fried eggplant),  pesce cicireddu (fried little fish), sfinciuni (a type of pizza), pane con la milza (bread with spleen),

stigghiola (grilled skevered lamb or goat innards), polpo bollito (boiled octopus),  sea food, babbaluci boiled and seasoned snails,

boiled corn cobs, slices of cedars served with salt, slices of watermelons, prickly pears and roasted chestnuts are just some of the treats available here – thanks to wich Palermo has justly earned its name as one the street-food capitals of the world.

Roasted chestnuts - Ph I. Mannarano

Roasted chestnuts – Ph I. Mannarano

Palermo street food. To find out more, read the book: Markets and street food 

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