The Light of India


From 28 April to 15 June 2024, the Fondazione La Verde La Malfa – Parco dell’Arte in San Giovanni La Punta (CT) will host The Light of India, an event that was born with the idea of making known the most intimate essence of a country, India precisely.

It is still rich in places that help us remember the presence of the Divine in human existence, places that exude a spirituality that induces us to reflect on what we are and to rebuild a relationship with that nature that, in the name of progress, we have too often offended and removed from our lives.

Monday – Sunday 17 – 20 | Visits by appointment only

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28/04/2024 00:00


15/06/2024 00:00



FONDAZIONE LA VERDE LA MALFA Via Sottotenente Pietro Nicolosi 29 San Giovanni La Punta (CT) 95037

tel. +39 095 7178155 mobile. +39 3517800211 mail.




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